Thames Tideway Cruising


SPCC Thames Cruising Guide SPCC's Thames Cruising Guide, a guide to cruising the Thames and other waterways in the area, has been updated as of March 2011. The guide is updated from time to time and notifications of errors or omissions are welcomed. By downloading the guide you indicate your acceptance of the following: while the information given in these notes is offered in good faith. St Pancras Cruising Club, its committee and members cannot accept any liability for the interpretation of it or for the safety of craft on Rivers, Canals or the Tidal Thames. Although its content has been checked, no responsibility is accepted for errors or omissions contained therein. The material is the property of St Pancras Cruising Club. Permission is granted to download and print a single copy for individual use, however it must not be reproduced or distributed in any form, in part or whole, without written consent from the committee of St Pancras Cruising Club. Thames Cruising Guide

Important notes: It is recommended that any boater undertaking cruises on the Tidal Thames should advise their insurance company. PLA General Directions require all craft of 13.7m (45ft) length and over, including narrowboats, on the Thames Tideway below Brentford to carry a VHF Marine Radio and maintain a listening watch on channel 14. An exemption is offered to craft taking part in an approved flotilla. Special arrangements apply for craft transiting between Teddington and Brentford.

Near miss reporting The PLA are keen that leisure boaters on the Thames Tideway should report near misses (accidents or incidents that are narrowly avoided) on the river to help prevent the risk of actual harm or injury. They also believe that reporting them will help foster a 24/7 safety culture on the river. Here's a link to the PLA near miss page

Other useful links

PLA Notices to Mariners

PLA Narrow Boating On The Thames Page

PLA Recreational Users' Guide - Teddington to Broadness

PLA tide tables

PLA Leisure Facilties Directory

CRT Thames locks inc Brentford, Limehouse & Bow